I believe that life is not a contest, not something to win a medal. We're not racing to defeat other people's life standards. I used to feel like that, but then I realized, if I kept myself got stuck into this kind of point of view, I'd get doomed. too bad, sometimes our surroundings seem to force us, to keep on moving to another phase or to go the next level, in fact we just opened the door to something we called a new phase.
misalnya, orang yang baru lulus kuliah, dipaksa untuk terus maju ke fase bekerja, padahal dia mau take some time, untuk ga pusing dulu karena baru aja selesai dari stress karena nulis skripsi (selain karena belom ada lamaran kerja yg nyangkut sih). atau orang yang baru saja menikah, tapi udah ditanyain tentang anak. padahal bisa aja dia masih mau menikmati fase pacaran dulu sebelum mungkin repot mengurus anak. entahlah, hal-hal kecil seperti itu sih yang sebenernya bikin kita ga menikmati hidup.
then I convince my self, to breathe in every single second that's ticking, to relish any changes that happen, to seize every opportunity. listening to others is good, but isn't it better to have your life based on your own conscience...(and your logic)
Face your life
its pain, its pleasure
leave no path untaken
-- Neil Gaiman
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